Quick Recipe

30' Cooking Time

4 Servings

5' Preparation Time

Recipe Execution

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Rinse and boil the potatoes in plenty of salted water for 15 minutes or until soft. Strain, transfer to a baking tray and mash them using the bottom of a glass (or a fork). Add the Ketchup & Mayo Sauce, oregano or thyme, garlic powder, pepper and parmesan, mix together and bake for about 15 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked and crispy. Transfer the potatoes to a platter and serve with Ketchup & Mayo Sauce by Condito on the side.


400 g baby potatoes

2 tbsp Ketchup & Mayo Sauce Condito


Oregano or Thyme

Garlic powder


200 g parmesan cheese, grated


For serving

Ketchup & Mayo Sauce Condito